What do screens mean for your child's speech and language development?

One of my friends, who is also a speech pathologists revealed to me that her 13-month old son is not allowed to use screens-none. “It’s been found that it’s bad for speech and language development.” she said. I looked more into this. Screens refer to devices including computers, game consoles, and television. Many of the research studies reveal that screen use is generally negative for speech development. I think that parents can better grasp the recommendations for screen use and language development in terms of age span.
For children younger than 18 months, try to avoid screen use. If used, limit them or parents can use alongside with children. Children 24 to 36 months should not use devices excessively. When screens are in use, it should be to view quality programs that can offer interactive experiences. When it comes to children 2 to 5 years of age, limit screen time to one hour a day of quality programs. Parents should watch with their children and comment and ask about their child’s understanding of the program. I imagine that the thought of lessening screen time is unthinkable for parents. Parents are busy even in the house where chores are never-ending. I personally struggle with this. I do not have all of the answers, but I think that if we move towards the right thing for our children, we will find the way. What are your thoughts about lessening screen time for children. Please comment below. If you suspect that your child is not communicating on age-level, please talk to your pediatrician and seek a speech-language evaluation from a speech pathologist. Don’t wait! You and your child will be better for it.